
Tiny Art

Here is a collection of art I'm adoring at the moment!

Neighborly, 8" x 8", $18, jennifer judd-mcgee of Swallowfield, Portland, ME

The Count Up, 8" x 11", $17, Katrin Schwulst for Seasprayblue, Dresden, Germany

Coming Up For Air, 8" x 10", $20, Laura Berger for Laura George, Chicago, IL

Close Bond, 8.5" x 9.25", $20, Ashleyg, Portland, OR

Shirley, 14.8cm x 21cm, $35, Kwilson544 of the Little Doodles blog I mentioned last week! London, England

The Suspicious Cat, 8" x 8", $16, Blackoutwell, Nottingham, UK

The Log Lady, 8" x 10", $17, Katrin Schwulst for Seasprayblue, Dresden, Germany

Bear Monster, 4.5" x 6", $22, Matte Stephens for Matteart, USA

Lyon, 8" x 10", $20, Christina Lyon for Studio Lyon, Tampa, FL

Village T-shirt, American Apparel V-neck, $18, Timberps, California

Knock on Wood, 5" x 7", $10, Wonting, NY, NY


Studio Lyon said...

Thanks so much for featuring my work! :)

-Christina from Studio Lyon

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the mention! Great blog!!

LittleDoodles said...

Thanks again for the mention :)

Meagan Whiteley said...

You are all very welcome (and modest!)! Thank YOU for creating such amazing pieces of art, I truly love them all and wish I could hang them all in my house!

xo meg