
Potpurri!! Smells Good.

I have so much to post, I can hardly keep up! On deck I have: shadow puppets, softies, tea time, paper cuttings, pin cushions, kitchen accessories, modern furniture, the list goes on and on! Every once and I while I find something that I just have to post, even if I haven't all the back information, contacted the creator, done extensive research on similar products (all of which I love to do, but alas takes days!)

So today I have a few of these things for you!

The Ode to Modbury Tote

1.2 trillion plastic carrier bags are used every year, which equates to 300 carrier bags each for every person on the planet. Much of this ends up in the sea. It is estimated that 46,000 pieces of plastic rubbish are floating on or near the surface of the sea per square mile of ocean.

Camera woman Rebecca Hosking was moved to tears when filming marine life near Hawaii for the BBC2 programme Natural World. Tides bring large amounts of rubbish to this part of the Pacific Ocean, resulting in the painful and unnecessary deaths of marine life such as turtles, whales and albatross'. Upon returning to her home town Modbury, in Devon, she showed the film footage to every shopkeeper in the town and they agreed to stop distributing plastic carrier bags. The scheme has been a huge success and many other communities are now choosing to follow suit.
You can purchase your own for approximately $18 by clicking here.

The TwisT chair by Nick Ross

Need to buy lawn chairs but find them quite hideous? The TwisT chair is just what you need! The chair seems to be in process of being finalized, but I am in love with its sleek design and think it would be perfect for a little backyard. I don't think it is all that practical for carrying to the beach or toting to the pool, but set up in a permanent place in your backyard would be fantastic! I'm sold! Wait, how much are they?

More Info at Nick's Blog: here.

Not to be a downer, but I just saw this as an ADVERTISEMENT, yes as in a promotion for the company, for American Apparel. I usually love them- their clothing is sweatshop free, fairly inexpensive for being so, and they use models that aren't "perfect." I wish every company would use regular girls, ones that dont starve themselves, spend $759,497 on their wardrobes, and dye their hair the second you can see roots... but... um... American Apparel, maybe you could have found a more flattering image to promote your new jeans?

I've tried them on, and I'm here to say it's not the models fault, thats not what I'm saying! It's the sicko jeans! Try again AA, try again, as I will not be touching these again until Halloween. 

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